to twenty twenty-one and the joy you brought:
helping me see, the heaven around me,
in each small moment of budding blossom leaves,
in a first smile between two lovely beings,
the first note of music to full vocals in me,
the spark that kindles the confidence I need.
remembering I’m not alone,
there is joy in each moment.
to twenty twenty-one and the pain you taught:
desperation and loss,
panic attacks and tears,
deepest uncertainty,
surrounding every decision on my journey here.
the small moments were littered with vivid fears.
but open the window,
release the past.
the good moments keep;
the bad, blown away at last.
we’ve gone through this journey,
walking hand in hand,
with the One who holds us always,
planting seeds of hope along our path.
it’s time for second chances,
for growth to show itself,
learned wisdom to apply,
dreams dusted off the shelf.
the new year has dawned
and with it new life,
new hope and new vigor,
a change in the night.
a fresh blanket of snow now covers the ground,
just waiting for footprints and memories to be found.
all the time we walk, through moments, worries, and time
Someone ahead is beckoning,
but yet still by my side.
a sense of direction
in the great white unknown.
my beacon in the blizzard,
my springtime guide to home.
some call Him fate or destiny
but He’s my God above.
every day of this new year
I’ll thank Him for His love.
to twenty twenty-two,
and all that’s yet to come.
(To watch the video of Gabriella's poem, click below)

Gabriella Amick is currently studying and passionate about American Sign Language Interpreting. In her free time she loves to read literature, hike in nature, journal, and write poetry. Gabriella grew up reading and writing poetry at home with her mom and over the last four years has found it to be an outlet for expressing her inner feelings, thoughts, and dreams.